Tailored software solutions

Constant Software Systems writes tailored software solutions:

  • Rich Internet applications: Web solutions offering characteristics similar to applications installed locally on a PC but remarkable by their interactivity and speed of use. Our backbone technologies are Node.js, the V8 JavaScript engine and HTML5. As an example, please check the page dedicated to the SGCMailer application.
  • Mobile technologies: architecture and conception of nomad application partially on-line.
  • Database applications running on the Internet or on the Windows platforms on LAN’s or WAN’s.

These applications are famous for their robustness, performance and longevity. They rely on techniques with a future. More than 80% of the solutions provided during the last 15 years are still used daily. José Constant brings to you a long professional experience. On projects of scale, he can secure the services of the best experts.

Constant Software Systems also maintains, adapts and converts Visual FoxPro applications.